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$1,200 Luxury Villa in the Desert. ??

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Where better to escape to in these perilous times than somewhere remote? I see that the big travel vloggers like Kate and Nate are all living in RVs or camping in tents.

My accommodation in the UAE's desert was something like a tent. Well the roof was like a tent anyway.

The Ritz-Carlton Al Wadi dessert is the most I've ever spent on a hotel room. Well, not a hotel room but a detached and secluded luxury tented villa with a private swimming pool. Such things don't come cheaply in the United Arab Emirates but I was celebrating a very special occasions and such things are worth spending a little extra on.

Being in the middle of the desert there were the typical desert animals roaming around. Mostly camels and oryx. I got on a lot better with the camels than the oryx as you'll see in the video.

Again, I was smart to bring my own mini bar supplies. It seems that all the hotels in the UAE have removed their mini bar items as part of the current 'rona restrictions to reduce the number of contact points. Okay, the real reason was that I didn't want to pay 10 times the price for my Coke Zero but the previous point is still valid.

I really enjoyed the private swimming pool in the villa more than anything else. I had complete privacy and was able to reenact my experience at the nudist hot springs in Sumatra (after the camera was turned off!) The water wasn't quite as hot as the hot springs but the pool was temperature controlled so that it stayed at a constant 29 degrees C.

Unfortunately the pool has a huge metal handrail that really gets in the way of swimming. If there were one thing I could change in the hotel it would be to get rid of that. There were other things I wasn't too happy about such as huge stains on the carpets and chairs and a wooden floor that was all scratched – you expect better than that in this standard of hotel. In fact at that price you expect everything to be perfect.

The hotel is actually a resort and there's loads of desert activities that you can do there. Being the middle of summer it was just too bloody hot though. The only thing I did was go play with a hawk for 5 minutes and then came back to my villa with a t-shirt that was soaked through with sweat.

So was the villa worth the money? Of course not. How can any accommodation be worth that amount? But for a special occasion I was happy for the luxury experience.

0:00 Ras Al -Khaimah Desert
0:40 Saying Hi to the Camels
1:58 Encounter with an Arabian Oryx
3:11 Ritz-Carlton Al Wadi Desert
4:53 Tented Villa Tour
12:03 Yer Man's Mini Bar
14:13 Private Swimming Pool
20:03 Yer Man's Book
21:44 Yer Man's Bike
25:11 Falcon and Hawk Show
28:33 Arabic Food
35:53 Feline Visitor
39:31 Thoughts about the Villa

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  1. Troy Perry

    Just wanted to say how much our family enjoys your videos. We all sit together, get our dinners, and settle down for Dale. Beats Netflix! We like how you’re so open to everyone, not letting a few bad apples poison your attitude to a place. And you’re very funny without making a show of it. Just being yourself. Keep it up, we appreciate the work you do!

    1. Anna Danyel Aliff

      I would not think he would just jump right into dating anyone ,he seems to me to be friends first and then go from there an truthfully I think it is the best way cause If you are friends you can see if your personalities would clash or not and how much you have in common and build a relationship up starting at the complete beginning and just take it slow and enjoy one another,Jumping into relationships is just dangerous and can be very hurtful and damaging. God Bless all,love,huggs,and the sweetest blessings an more ?. And I do agree he is very handsome and he’s funny and sweet and very outgoing.

  2. Orange Man explains the joke

    Hey Dale. I’m sorry if this sounds a bit flowery, but ever since I’ve been introduced to your channel its really meant a lot to me. It helps me with stress, and I’m a large fan of your vids. Thank you.

  3. TOD L

    You keep going above and beyond young man! Thank you for another outstanding and entertaining video! Many thanks for not cutting out any of the bloopers. I’ve always enjoyed watching you spill food during your adventures … it’s a highlight for me. But being threatened by the oryx, earned you an Academy Award nomination! Not only did you prove that you have two strong legs to run backwards, but also a padded Scottish bum to absorb the impact! I would be willing to bet that 90% male viewing audience you mentioned, will select you for the award! Stay safe and healthy.

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