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It’s DAY ONE of Destination Cabo!! Follow along as we fly from California to Mexico & get a full tour of our $45,000 Cabo Villa vacation rental where ALL the celebs stay.

This house is more high end and fancy then we can ever dream to be…IT EVEN HAS FREE OLIVES!!!

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Stay tuned & SUBSCRIBE for our weeklong Cabo San Lucas adventure!! ►►

✈️ Destination Cabo – 8 Days, 8 Videos!! ✈️
7/7 – Travel Hacks
7/8 – $45,000 Cabo Villa Tour
7/9 – $1 Million Yacht
7/10 – Trying Mexican McDonald's
7/11 – Recreating Celeb Instagrams
7/12 – Fish Pedicures
7/13 – Room Service Mukbang
7/14 – Instagram Dares in Mexico

? Even MORE Cabo adventures ?

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  1. sablecurse

    To everyone getting onto Lily about being irritated at the crying baby:

    She has the right to be annoyed. It’s like if you had a coworker who coughed a lot while getting over allergies or a cold. The coworker can’t help but cough, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be bothered by the noise. She didn’t take her annoyance out on the baby or parent – just expressed her irritation to the camera. Stop being so sensitive.

    1. Butterflies and Bees

      Baś You’re comment is evidently coming from a place of ignorance. You don’t know any better. You’ve most likely never even had the responsibility of caring for a baby, not even for a day and certainly not on a plane or train. One day you’ll probably have to travel with your own child, and only then will you realize how silly your comment was. Unless of course having children isn’t in your plans…

      Everyone is struggling out here. Give parents the benefit of the doubt. Their baby could be teething, might have colic, or is just an extremely fussy baby. A parent might be alone without any help, and in that case don’t you think the baby is terrorizing the parent more than the passengers? I mean, Lily said herself that it was only a two hour plane ride, so it wasn’t that bad.

      Next time you think you have a simple solution to something your uninformed about, realize you’re probably wrong and should just stay quiet or AT LEAST try not to be rude.

    1. Bailey Meatyard

      Katrina Escobar I was just coming to the comment to say this! I know some kids are frustrating on a flight but they are young and confused and the parents are trying their hardest.

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