5 Most Beautiful Luxury Villa | WATCH NOW ▶ 6 !
5 Most Beautiful Luxury Villa | WATCH NOW ▶ 6 !
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A villa is a type of house that was originally an ancient Roman upper-class country house. Since its origins in the Roman villa, the idea and function of a villa has evolved considerably.
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#LuxuryVilla #InteriorDesign #Rich #Architecture #RichLife #LifeStyle
ALLAH hamıya qismət etsin içi mən qarışıq ?
These palaces express the cult of personality of some, unfortunately, my admiration for such a thing is similar to the admiration for a museum. I appreciate sophistication, but it doesn’t appeal to me at all.
GREAT VIDEO… It’s unfair on how things have turned up to be due to the recent world pandemic things has been so difficult, This isn’t good in the sense that it ends up addicting the civilians financially in different angles of life. We see complains here and there on social media from different people in different parts all round the world The government has less or no time for there people anymore..I suggest that we all should engage in different things to make money and stop hoping on the government….I’d strongly advise any newbie in trading to seek help from not just any trader but an established trading expert.
And ever since then she has never failed to deliver and I can even say she is the most sincere broker I have ever known
My first investment with Expert Mrs Anna Hamilton gave me profit of over $2,000 U.S dollar
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T•e•l_e_g.r.A•m. @Anna_forex1
I can only imagine how much I would love to have a home ? like this, I’m poor and I’ll never ever have a Mansion. But if I could have one, I would definitely be happy. And I would definitely have people taking care of it for me.
Мне последняя больше всего понравилась, уютно и роскошно))
Incríveis !!!
Obrigado por mostrar ???♥️
Quienes viavan en ese palacio seguramente se sentirán orgullosos de vivir en él y les presumirán a los demás
Вторая очень понравилась ,великолепно ???????????????
Beautiful but depressing music imo
so tolle und passende musik dazu ??
Merci mon DIEU et Père ! Roi de toute la terre d’avoir agit en ma faveur. À toi seul soit toute la gloire. Rebecca
The white and gold with pops of purple villa that’s for sale has opulence, class, sophistication, elegance right from the doorway throughout the entire house. I could _so_ live there … _When I win the Lotto_ lol.
I Agree
آلله مااجملها تحفه فنيه رايعه لوسكنت فيها يومين لقلت لنفسي أني قد عشت الحياة برفاهيه وهيبه بالعافيه على صاحبها وشكرا على هذا الفديو الرايه
Холодная красота и люди такие же холодные могут жить в этих виллах.
Не всегда бывают исключения
This is a grand palace…definitely my style.(1st one) If I had it…I would share it with my family…its so perfect..love the second one as well. Makes me wish for a family of my own….I also wish I could meet the people who created these homes and knew where they live.
All are really amazing.
Would love to buy one one day
The “rock star” house needs glass around the tiki torches and any other fire pits, etc to keep the flames from blowing around like that. Someone could get hurt.
Great video… It’s unfair on how things have turned up to be due to the recent world pandemic things has been so difficult, We see complains here and there on social media from different people in different parts of the world. I suggest that we all should engage in different things to make money and stop hoping on the government….I’d strongly advise any newbie in trading to seek help from not just any trader but an established trading expert.
I can’t wait to become rich if all these about her is absolutely true
This woman must be exceptional for people to talk about her like this
+✓ 1 ✓ 9 ✓ 8 ✓4 ✓ 5 ✓ 1 ✓ 4 ✓ 4 ✓ 0 ✓ 4 ✓7 (wazap)
TELGM. @roylina_mine5
Sure! You can contact her directly via ???