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Produced by Benjamin Ortega and Jon Olsson.
Avicii Jon Olsson House, Jon Olsson House Bali, Jon Olsson House Before And After, Jon Olsson House Camo, Jon Olsson House Indonesia, Jon Olsson House Interior, Jon Olsson House Lombok, Jon Olsson House Monaco, Jon Olsson House Stockholm, Jon Olsson House Sweden, Jon Olsson House Tour, Jon Olsson House Worth, Jon Olsson House, jon olsson marbella house, marbella house apartments for sale, marbella house beach apartment, marbella house buy, marbella house cleaning, marbella house for rent, marbella house for sale, marbella house marbella, marbella house party, marbella house prices, Marbella House Tour, Youtube Jon Olsson House Tour
Hi Jon, I think someone might get badly hurt while trying to jump into the pool from that balcony I never felt good about it
I’m worried too. He landed very close to the edge of his pool. I wouldn’t like these blogs to end suddenly!
dont feel good about it either, even in the previous house, it looked dangerous, but this one seems even more so. Just one mistake and it could be the end
Angle is extremely dangerous
Jon!! don’t mind the haters who don’t like the house tours. I love them! They show diversity. I’m waiting on you showing us you cooking in your new house!
Its literally him bragging about his money that he does literally nothing for.
now i have to go home in my small bathroom and can start crying xD
Zbriu me too!
GoshTasha ??
hey dummy, so you really wait to watch someone cooking in his kitchen?waohhh…My generation got a serious problem with critical mind. If you give a different opinion you are considered either as jealous or hater. I do not envy these rich people and i do not hate.Your perpetual (and fake) positivity is boring and not human. But i leave you to your passion:giving up thumbs to a thousand things and persons that indifferent towards you.
Honestly your house is nicer
Try Centauri Honey by Ahmet Eren Cakir , Honey from Turkey , the world’s most expensive honey , if you are fortunate enough to afford It’s high price starting from 3500 Euro kgs to 29000 Euro ? Amazing channel , Love ya xxx
Dean Hartland I like it contemporary
I don’t think so
hell no
Yea, Jon house feels cozier, but that’s a question of taste. I personally don’t really care about feeling cozy, I’m more interested into the design of the house. But I guess that’s like cars. Some prefer Lamborghini and others Rolls Royces.
That waterfall didn’t seem that impressive without Benni’s “Wauw”
Pay 5.3 million euros to live next to Jon, Janni and Rickard!
Or just look at it another way “Pay 5.3 million to have Jon,Janni and Rickard live next to you” its their pleasure to be living next to such a rich buyer
Says the guy using google on a PC or smartphone with 100’s of other apps, who probably has a credit card and buys stuff on amazon etc. Privacy does not exist unless you live in the woods with no tech. Amazon knows more about you than you do.. (all those are assumptions of course, you could be using a net cafe pc, that you paid for with cash and covered your face when you entered and left and made a fake account just to post)
You dumb if you don’t value privacy. I don’t think Jon vlogs ruin privacy of the neighborhood tho
and Jon will still goes to them with camera and stalk them, no thanks, no privacy with this neigbour 😀
12:05 that‘s one wealthy laugh
I thought you are selling your house already lol
If someone offer it for 20M euros he’ll think about it
Jounaaass yep, won’t be long now. ?
na gotta use it for 6 months
KevLu just wait! lol
8:30 Jon: “view” and then zooms into Janni’s butt, lol
8:31 Jon: “wiew”, i wonder which wiew he prefer, the first or second wiew 😛
I Don’t know why) ? 2nd ?
This house has some great features, especially the driveway, but your house had more character and interesting design.
That house has a great area to be made into anything.
And skin tones seem better now, happy to see that you read comments.✌️
Tony Montana would be interested in buying the house
Van Hendrix if he actually existed
dphotos Good place to hide a ton of coke as it blends with all the white =)
Van Hendrix nahhhh Escobar would !
Exactly what I have been telling everyone Sini. Rikards wealth can’t even be traced according to journals and nobody knows how he became a billionaire so quickly. I heard he is the king of cocaine drug dealing through all of Europe. Spain is the main entry point.
Rikards gets his drugs from Columbia. Thats why he built that school to make his presence known.
1:30 *Wife tour?*
Linda demais. ???????
Is that a house tour or your girl’s tour?
Woman in black bikini!
Tobiass Hellediee *Wife
When u think casa castle is selling but u watch captain rickards` insta storys so u know whats going on 🙂
Josh Nesbitt and Gras is green…
casa castle is right next door to rickards anyway
???? He spoiled the tour on insta…
What is going on?
wait what?
Y’all look orange??? these rich mfs are getting out of control
Hi rich people on the Internet can someone please buy me this INCREDIBLE HOUSE?
Just be the caretaker for a rich family that visits 2 weeks a year lol
work more in mcdonald like slave and soon house will yours 😀
R H hye i am demon,i can put u inside the hell
This house has a cold flair about it, I like yours better.
Janni sounds infinitely more Swedish in this video haha
A window in the pool had been nice, swim underwater and still enjoy the view 😉
Damn that house is super nice, very LA, and damn Janni is looking super on fire these days.