Largest overwater villa in the Maldives ($25,000 a night)
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Does not reflect the natural beauty of its surroundings, much prefer villas of Soneva Jani, thank you for the tour though ?
It would look better if they used lighter wood colors. And more splashy artwork even if it’s basic like beach stuff.
I wonder what you like most about the Soneva Jani villa?
That’s nice, but I can’t think of anything being done there that would justify 25 grand a night.
He told too much man, as far as i know about this resort, this villa is near about $10k per night and not $25k
I don’t get why most resorts put there presidential overwater villas at the end or something. Like that’s the worse spot because you get the least amount of “Maldivian clear water”.
You’re paying for the Astor name attachment.
Its a vacation an probably the person would stay two or three nights minimum.
Kimmy Queen If you can stay awake that long to use them all.
If i went there i would still steal all the soap and shampoo
@Hassan Elmor whaaat? 2 years! It didn’t even occur to me. But it’s a good one tho.
Barbie Bing two years to comment. Seems a bit unnecessary no?
Hahaha! Sarcasm!
That’s why you will never go there ?
Spending $ 25k a night for sleeping is not good experience but a nightmare
It’s so big it loses the over water aspect, also not rustic enough to think you are living the island dream. Looks like Emirates lounge in Dubai!
Exactly my thought !
Nothing about or in the villa fits or compliments its surroundings. Just awful.
I must agree.
Sound like you’re poor and petty
@Spectating Agario Why man, Why?! Please tell me why are you lying about Maldives and Maldivian People?! Iam a Maldivian ! Banned from reading! Really?!
I agree, this is surprisingly lame for 25k a night. Extremely dull and doesn’t fit the tropical island vibe at all. Very depressing design.
I agree this is not maldives style its just ugly as
The villas are a bit too close to each other!
For this price you want absolute privacy
I’ve seen waaaay better for less than $10k per night. Sad!
I would love to visit Maldives, but it’s just a dream 🙁
Your always welcomed
Get a normal job and you can go work for it
+ Velurom why is it just a dream ?
same, I wish my parents or my hopes could take me there
Velurom maybe your dream will become true one day 🙂
the house feels very cold, not well fitting with the lush natural enviroment. thats how i feel
I had that same feeling. The colours are GREY… It’s oddly ugly considering the surroundings. Boring, uninspiring/uninviting colours (except for the spa). It feels more like a business venue than a warm, welcoming place. Given that J.J. Astor made his fortune ripping people off, it fits the name perfectly!
Why need so many television screens when you want to enjoy the sun and the beach .
Looks like a nice home, but for vacation Soneva Jani seems better with its specific location over water ??♂️
A place that is actually ok to charge 25k
this is so relaxing to watch 🙂
nothing to cost $25,000 a night really
MrSly025 nope!!!
@25000$ this 12.30 sec tour would cost you 213.36$ ??
217.013 to be exact
A bit too office/business, stiff.. atmosphere. Love your video’s! ?
bro it is seriously amazing but i think you have shown better villas on this price point . but still another amazing review of hotel and villa.thank you for the tease of beautiful nature and luxury accommodation enjoy man
i don’t like this bcz it’s just like a luxurious condon in NYC but no a resort with the tropical design
The $3k/night place had a lot more charm.
Why would i want an over-water villa to look and feel like I’m in a Manhattan high-rise?