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Live Tour – Magnificent and Elegant Villa Philipson

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Lionard Luxury Real Estate ®

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▻ REF 0269

▻ Price: € 17.000.000

Magnificent and elegant luxury villa in Tuscany built in 1893 in the late Tuscan Renaissance style that dominates the plain of Pistoia and offers a spectacular panoramic view towards Florence. The exclusive villa near Florence is a testimony of the aesthetic culture of the end of the century and of the taste of high society of that time, with the creation of unique and exclusive artifacts and locals for the most important persons of the nobility and of the rich international community that, at that time, was attending Florence.
The most famous artist-decorators then active in Tuscany, such as Peter Baldoncoli Francesco Morini, Mariano Coppedè and Giuseppe Michelucci, participated in the realization of this residence, which is typical of Sixteenth-century style and it was celebrated as a dwelling worthy of the Renaissance. The interiors feature rich finishes, beautiful antique furnishings and wonderful wall-paintings.
The access to the villa opens onto a large entrance hall with two staircases decorated with a rich wrought iron banisters and beautiful painted vaults in the style of Poccetti and Vasari. Crossing the hall it is possible to reach the magnificent main living room with a beautiful painted vaults and a majestic fireplace, the dining room and the billiard room with wood paneling and doors with pediments carved by the same artists who created the finest furniture for this, one of the most exclusive homes in Italy.
Floors represent out-and-out models of decorative art. Eclectic language expressed also in the stable, in rustic style, and in the accessories of the kennel, of the aviary and of the ice-house. Also the organization of the terracing and of the garden, that presents a big grass with a cave, a flight of steps and a fountain, was object of particular care, drawing on the historic tradition and from the language of the styles.
The villa arranges of a large ground in part used as park ( 6,5 ha), olive groves and vineyards (20 ha) and wood (23.5 ha). The mall below it is a level land that it is used as tennis court. The villa is served from two private sources that merge into two big pool to satisfy the water demand of the beautiful italian garden of 2.5 hectares and for the houses.

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  1. skittlebeape

    Absolutely jaw dropping. Amazing how its still so well maintained. Its crazy how properties like this are available for purchase, in America, anything like this would be all roped off and marked as a historical site, and would probably be turned into a tour site and a museum… But in Europe its just first come first serve for anyone who has 17,000,000 Euros

  2. JohnInMorocco

    Fabulous. Thank you for the exploration of this villa. I love the grounds, trees, gardens, the views, unlimited water supply, and tall ceilings, grand staircase, salons, dining rooms, bedrooms with heaters and large bathrooms. The terraces are all fabulous as well.

    1. kevmagill

      i agree it’s a masterpiece…but old money can be gauche as well…taste, manners and sophistication do not always come with time having wealth…it is a quality of soul that can be seen even in the lowest economic classes…it’s indefinable, but you feel it in a person when you meet them…they appreciate history and design and beauty….not something that is bought….it’s cultivated from a sensitive soul.

    2. Νεκταριος Σμυρνακης

      @MrRemmington I ‘m not Russian, I ‘m Greek, I hope you are not accusing me of plagiarism… I’ve just read your comment, I’m quite happy that we share the same views on aesthetics, I don’t want to find myself in the middle of an argument for a house I admire but I cannot afford?

  3. Dniece

    This is the best place I’ve seen you guys advertise imo. I think they nailed the 1500s look they were going for. It’s perfect. It’s a drag living in Canada you never see this beauty. Well done guys

  4. Allen Winston

    This is amazing Palace. To run it properly it requires a staff of 40 to 50 servants. An operating budget of 15 million a year. This is residence kept out love for beauty. It is like Biltmore.

    Should be in a trust. Needs a passionate owner with a benefactors mind set. Members of the Prince’s Foundation or Richard Dreihaus Trust. It is master piece of Art. It is wonderful.

    1. Jukka Valkonen

      15 M€ year budget? You have a very expensive taste and even this wonderful place is only for wealthy people, they are certainly not spending anywhere near that sum per year. Crazy idea.

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