Maldivian overwater bungalows don't get better than this! Thank you Soneva Jani! Today we left our resort of Soneva Fushi to go to Kara's dream accommodation – an overwater bungalow! This is the most beautiful and luxurious place we have EVER been!
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KARA'S NEW EDITING COURSE (available forever!)
Nate’s FREE guide to airport lounge access:
How we travel for “FREE”:
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All of our music is from Epidemic Sound It is royalty free and perfect for YouTubers! (Get a free month of unlimited songs with this link! It will help us and you :))
First song is “Feel The Breeze”
Second song is “Green And Purple”
Third song is “Side By Side”
Our current camera setup:
Our suitcases:
Our gear backpacks:
INSTAGRAM: @karaandnate ( )
TWITTER: @karaandnate ( )
Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, we got married June 2013 and quickly caught the travel bug! We started “travel hacking” and taking more trips together and finally decided we wanted to travel for one year. After 2 years of saving $ and travel hacking over 2 million miles and points, we sold our cars and apartment and left home January 10, 2016. We started this YouTube channel to share our experiences with friends and family, then decided we really liked vlogging and traveling. So we extended our 1 year trip to THREE years 🙂 Now we have a goal of traveling to 100 countries before Nate turns 30 (which is March 20, 2019)! We are incredibly thankful to do something we love every day. 🙂
I love this couple who decided to honey moon their whole lives.
@Jesse Mitchell This video is probably sponsored by the resort owners to promote their resort so probably cost nothing for them.
check that epic drone video for Maldive
turkey, island fathyie drone video
I have a question which they dont answer dont they have kids they never show their kkids
Zaru they are spending money for making money
Who wouldn’t want to live abroad? Thank goodness for those who can afford it…. Otherwise i would never get to see these sights.
By the time I save money for this Maldives will be underwater?
Sad but true☹️That’s exactly what I thought ?
@Amy really?
Stay at Kirulhiya Maldives B&B
. It’s beautiful and the cost is perfect!
check that epic drone video for Maldive
turkey, island fathyie drone video
If only I was stuck here when the lockdown started
you would be paying a lot
@ANONYMOUSE oh ok sorry ? i just said it cause its what my dad and sis said
@E L V A i live in maldives and i have wifi
@Hville _ oooh tnx
Nope you have no wifi
They say money doesn’t buy happiness
Dean Majidy hey i got everything i want but im still really fucking sad.. and i feel so egoistic saying that but its true.. so get rid of yalls conspiracy theories and get yourself a mindset and do something greater with your lives
Obviously they lied
Best guide for travel cost
money can buy anything
Lots of money bought that trip lol
isn’t this where kim kardashian had an emotional breakdown for losing her diamond earring in the ocean?
I’m dead?
Who cares!
To know more about detailed travel expenditures
@Rhea r a b i e
J a x
$5000 per night I need to win the lottery to afford that.
check that epic drone video for Maldive
turkey, island fathyie drone video
Yougot Soul ????
There r affordable ressort i went w a couple of friends to a mid range maladives ressort payed like 2500 dollars for 9 days including flight and transport
How about help each other to travel
who else thinks Kara is the sweetest person ever?!
Rafael Paz I understand you think her personality isn’t real from this video because I have noticed that as well, I think she was just VERY excited. However if you see their other videos (or all their videos like I’m doing right now) her personality is very genuine. It’s just that she can’t control herself and as she said this was her number one bucket list item so I would have acted the same way to be honest. I also like Nates personality, he kind of balances out Kara’s excitement.
bunkoo I agree that they produce very good content and that’s why people watch there videos and good for them, they worked really hard to be where they are! I just think she’s not “natural” in some occasions, sort of forcing some nice persona sometimes and that’s why my comment.. the guy seems very natural to me and good persona.
@Rafael Paz damn why does there always have to that ONE person in the comments. who cares if it’s a front? it’s good content nonetheless, which people enjoy; she’s still traveling and making money regardless of what we think, so going around reminding anyone who thinks positively of her that her entire persona is fake really isn’t going to get us anywhere. just enjoy the video and let people have their opinions, it’s not that hard
that’s just in front of camera, you have to be charismatic to gain subscribe to earn money and travel… OMG, people are so easy to fool in the internet hahahah
I have stayed here and believe me, it is amazing. I stayed in one of the overwater villas. The best part, the self serve DIY ice cream bar.
Lucky Biotch hahaha
вiтсн.тгттiэß I wish one day I can come there too
Take me wit u next time ☺️
how much money was it and how manny days did you go??
It really looks totally amazing ???
It’s so hard to see people living your dream
Yeah me too I always wanted to go to a fancy Island where they treat me like a princess I don’t know but it looks so fun especially we can’t even go cuz they’re still quarantine
Girl your know it!!!?
Imagine the guy driving the van sneezed and drove off the edge into the water?
I was thinking about this?
imagine being their child
They probably not do that if they had kids
They wont rake u with them ??
Maybe they’ll adopt me! I’m very immature for a 33 year old! ?
dnt try to ruin their life guys!! LOL
*me thinks oh you can do that with some friends in the future*
Looks on the website for the price
Oh shiiieet
Katherine Hamilton im pretty sure its around 600 dolars per night
i want to do that so bad but i looked at the website and the cheapest one was so out of my budget. i don’t know where i would get enough money to do that. but i really want to. maybe someday. when i become bill gates.
. how much is it?
My game plan when I’m an adult
1win the lottery and become a millionaire
@Will Tirad what kind of engineer you are?
You dont need to win the lottery you just have to make the right choices. My parents dropped out of high school and i didnt let that stop me, i became an engineer. I now own 3 rental properties and have a very healthy 401k and personal savings. Lets say I can stay at Maldives for a decade. Its all about making the right choices in life and putting in the work. Even though I had minimal resources due to my family schooling and financial situations, i found ways to make it work
Anunay Sharma ?thank you!
@Sammy GG oh, cool ?
Anunay Sharma I wish! Just turned 76
Maldives is an amazing country.. I am here for 9 months and still feel like astonished by It’s nature every single day! ❤
proud to be a Maldivian
You are soooooo lucky to be able to stay there
Can’t imagine how Amazing Heaven will b after seeing this.
Whoever said money can’t buy happiness has never been broke! Look at this! It sure would make me happy!
For a split second, and then you’ll be back to normal.
At first it’s lit af but then if you keep it up it gets Boring, the best thing to do is splurge on luxurious things/trips like this every little while and you’ll love it even more
@Joey Landry if you had a kid who goes “I am bored” too damn often,this is a place you wouldn’t want to bring them to at all. and people can choose who are their family and friends, remind you that not everyone loves their family like you do.
but it can’t help buy real life problems
Let’s say it . If you have money that u can but Temporary happy at least but if u don’t I guess u just can’t buy any happiness at all ( just kidding the best things in the world is for free
The best feature is a drone THEY HAVE A FLIPPIN SLIDE
1:40 the girl handing out the fresh coconut said “Miss Kara and Miss Nick.” Lol! Luv your vids! ?
“My diamond earring I lost it in the ocean!!”
People are dying Kim
The best quote from Kuwtk ever?
Nobody cares. I thought you lost a ear. Btw I’m a Maldivian ?
@Emilia Clay lol so unnecessary
Emilie Clay thats bora Bora
I remember going to Maldives every summer up until I was eight; I enjoyed it so much and remember swimming in the water near the bungalow ??