Thank you Soneva Fushi! The Maldives has been at the TOP of my bucket list as long as I can remember, and today my dreams came true! We took our first sea plane ride to the resort and completely fell in love immediately. Not only is our villa gigantic and beautiful, the island is complete with 2 rooms filled with our favorite guilty pleasures – CHOCOLATE AND ICE CREAM! Is this a dream?!
✈️ We created FareDrop to help you score super cheap international flights! Try it for free and get flight deals up to 80% off ➡️ ⬅️
Our top 10 credit cards for travel hacking:
KARA'S NEW EDITING COURSE (available forever!)
Nate’s FREE guide to airport lounge access:
How we travel for “FREE”:
Get $40+ off your first AirBnB stay through our link!:
All of our music is from Epidemic Sound It is royalty free and perfect for YouTubers! (Get a free month of unlimited songs with this link! It will help us and you :))
First song is “Flutter”
Second song is “That Moment”
Third song is “Shiny Happy Dishes”
Fourth song is “Rattle”
Our current camera setup:
Our suitcases:
Our gear backpacks:
INSTAGRAM: @karaandnate ( )
TWITTER: @karaandnate ( )
Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, we got married June 2013 and quickly caught the travel bug! We started “travel hacking” and taking more trips together and finally decided we wanted to travel for one year. After 2 years of saving $ and travel hacking over 2 million miles and points, we sold our cars and apartment and left home January 10, 2016. We started this YouTube channel to share our experiences with friends and family, then decided we really liked vlogging and traveling. So we extended our 1 year trip to THREE years 🙂 Now we have a goal of traveling to 100 countries before Nate turns 30 (which is March 20, 2019)! We are incredibly thankful to do something we love every day. 🙂
At 2000 + dollars a night that level of excitment is justified
Jayant Gupta what i found some villas that go for 700 dolars a night and they have 2 beds
akhil khanna smh take me with you next time
@Akhil Khanna shut up you loner
I myself went for $10,000+ for a couple
I saw some at 5000…
Great vlog guys! I wish miles and points were a bit more useful to get to the maldives
This place looks like a dream!
Did you see the cost per night?! OMG
Worker: how much chocolate did you want Mrs. Kara?
Kara: yes
Legit just cried for Kara. MY HEART.
omg this is our dreaaaaaam holiday!
@Mohamed Hameed omg LUCKYYY!
I live in the maldives
“No news. No shoes.”
Words to live by.
Astounded by the beauty and cannot wait for more. ????
The Maldives has always been super high on my list, but watching this video may have put it at #1 ?
Gosh I love Karas excitement & her in the moment reactions !!! She makes me smile so much ? Gratitude at its finest ?
YouTube has too many commercials now it’s annoying everyone make sure you’re wearing a mask and be safe
EXACTLY! Her positivity makes the day better for everyone who watches these videos. ❤️
Imane Basraoui I know right!! ?
Ave Pi me too seeing her soo happy made my day if not MY WEEK it warmed my heart so much ??
I like seeing your true reactions. Whatever they may be. Please continue sharing your wonderful journeys with us. Thank you
Wow, crazy cool. Free unlimited chocolate and ice cream rooms?? Never even heard of that as a thing. Looks like you guys scored. Enjoy it while it lasts. Greetings from the mountains of Japan.
Things Kara doesn’t want to hear on this flight, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Capt. Jones and I’ll be your pilot today and, uh damn that’s a lot of buttons.”
Also I’ve now decided that I need to go here for my honeymoon (says me when I’m not even engaged yet ?). It’s seems perfect for a honeymoon!!!
Thats me trying to fly hehe
I don’t think anyone would be pleased to hear that on a flight ??
this made me laugh so hard i love this comment so much
Ok, so I need a moment to comprehend what you’re showing me here. An island with the bluest, clearest water, sandy white beaches, waterfalls in your bathroom, AND a chocolate room & ice cream shoppe? I always knew Maldives would be amazing, but you’re right. This is heaven. Pure and simple… a Utopia. Stop looking, everyone. Here it is! ????
@solution to pollution look in there description it’s sovena fushi I think!
Kara and Nate which island did you go to???
P.s. I love your channel?I’m obsessed!
It sure is! I’m pinching myself, and I’m only just watching your video! ?
HARD to believe right?!
I love you Kara!!!! You are a joy to watch. Love you both!
Kara’s excitement is through the roof in this video and it is adorable!
I am not sure what I love the most, the color of the water or watching Karas’ excitement….I mean you just started a journey to see the world annnnnnnnnnd now you are having people give you amazing villas COME ON!!! how blessed are y’all?
RIP both of you. You clearly have died and gone to Heaven. What an unreal place!
U scared the hell outta me man???
@Ily4as_lxq7 OMG same here
Hazman I’m not sure wether ur angry or something
Hahaha..go to Heaven you all say? Hahaha, so funny
@Ily4as_lxq7 Same!!
Also I’ve now decided that I need to go here for my honeymoon (says me when I’m not even engaged yet ?). It’s seems perfect for a honeymoon!!!
Udhay kumar sovena fushi
just thinking the same thing!
Penelope Smith which island is dis in Maldives ?
Girl – enjoy it solo or with a friend NOW! You don’t need a man to get to Paradise. <3
Sarah: Its cheap to dream Sarah, make sure your hubby to be is fully cashed up?
Kara’s excitement is through the roof in this video and it is adorable!
I found myself subconsciously smiling as I watched this. The music + your incredible enthusiasm were just infectious. The Maldives are also on my list of top destinations, and it looks SO BEAUTIFUL!
Babak Rainy – I bet you can find company even while you are there ?
Me too
I was the same. When the videos ended I noticed I had a big smile on my face 😀
I am so glad y’all are smiling because I CAN’T STOP SMILING EITHER 😀
AHH! The beauty is almost too much. “Where’s Jesus?” is right! Truly heaven on Earth!!
Heaven on Earth only…but when you all die, it’s Hell FOREVER !
Hi ashley