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Sierra Furtado & Alex Terranova
5850 W 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA
Attention! For business inquiries: sierra.furtado@gmail.com
this is a dream!
I think everyone deserves an Alex in their lives
Bárbara Castro M.
eu 😛
Bárbara Castro eu ?
Bárbara Castro TRUE
Hey everyone promise me you won’t settle for a man any less than an Alex!
Or an Adam because they both seem like great guys. These squad couples…..
Totally! And it’s the reason why I’m never gonna find someone? all good guys are taken
Molly Kate Holper wish a guy like him notice me lol
Molly Kate Holper you as well girl ?
Can I please have an extremely attractive boyfriend and go to the Maldives together??????
What makes you think you deserve it??
I’m dying at the intro, when Alex keeps asking “behind us, no behind us” ? I don’t know why that was so funny
Diana H yah lol cuz she didn’t actually get them
hahahahah yes 😀 and after that Sierra is talking and he is like ,,did you get them” in the middle of her sentance :D:D:
Diana H yess it was so funny
The Maldives is unreal oh my word
if you have to write “i’m not hating but…” before a comment, it’s probably not necessary or kind to comment. adding a few words to a sentence doesn’t make it any nicer to say <33
sierra and alex are both amazing, beautiful people on the inside and out. if you don’t have anything nice to say, there’s no need to comment at all.
“Were that average white couple” ??? haha I love you guys❤️?
I feel like Canada is just a fancier version of the US?
it’s haley same
Canadian whose lived in America 🙂
Heather Marie are you American? Not saying it to be rude just wondering because it is actually not common where I live. Like I said again different ways of saying things has existed in the same language for years. Doesn’t mean it’s not the same language just different. Adios
Thats an American saying too. ? Anyways have a good day.
Heather Marie but they are different variations on the English language. I have had a conversation with someone from Canada and on other apps and they call getting a call someone ringing them. I wasn’t sure what that meant. Any word that is different but still English is a DIFFERENCE in the English language.:))
4:30 that awkward angle?
Random ?????
It really makes me happy to see that Alex really does treat Sierra like the beautiful girl she is. I know a lot of people say “you don’t know how their relationship is off camera” but you have to be blind to not see the genuine love between these two. You guys are a match made in heaven 🙂
P.S. I hope you see this comment hehe
“to a beautidul girl… i cant promise you that” AWWWW TEALAAA WHERE ARE U NOW THAT I NEED YA HOOK ME UP WITH AN ALEX
“hey babe how do you feel about my moustache?”
“……not good…..”
LOL best part of the vlog
Sierra, can you please do a video talking about how you got rid of your acne and acne scars please!
love you guys you are so cute together i need an alex in my life
Sierra, where are all your outfits from? The striped blue romper, the white button down dress, and the gingham dress?
e.claire hair Go to your nearest Goodwill, you’ll find everything in like 2 seconds!!
e.claire hair maybe at prettylittlething they have alot of that gingham print and the prices are affordable not over priced
THE VLOGS SHOULD BE LONGER !! ?? can’t get enough of you !!
Am I the only one obsessed with these travel vlogs?!?
Through the glassed floor part you should film a time lapse so we can see any sea creatures or stuff like that